If you are a Hackaday.io member who sells your project on Tindie, you can link your project to your Tindie product page by adding your Tindie Product ID to your Hackaday Project.
First, login to Tindie and grab your Tindie Product ID from your Store Products Page. You can find the product ID in your product's shortlink
Then click the Edit Project button on the top right of your Hackaday Project page.
Scroll towards the bottom of the page and look for the Tindie Banner section. Just enter your Tindie Product ID and be sure to click Publish to save your changes.
Now you'll have a Buy on Tindie banner displayed at the top of your Hackaday Project that links directly to your product page. That way visitors can easily see your product is for sale and make a purchase!
The banner not only provides a link to your product, but also displays the starting price, your store name, total number of orders/reviews and your shipping location.