If your order is tracked, you will be sent an email with the tracking number when the seller dispatches the order. You can also log in to find out this information in My Orders.
In most cases, if an order has been dispatched, neither Tindie nor the seller can provide additional information to what's shown on the tracking page.
For international orders, you can use 17track.net to find out the local delivery company and enquire directly with them.
Many orders are getting through in reasonable times, but we know that if your order is stuck in transit it is frustrating and we appreciate your patience at this difficult time.
However, do expect delivery delays in the coming weeks, especially for international orders. The information is changing rapidly, so please check for service updates for your specific country. USPS has an up-to-date list of international shipping disruptions and we have a resource of Shipping Service Alerts by Country.
Many countries have put special quarantine measures in place. As a result, domestically they may have a reduced workforce available and may not be able to deliver some mail services. Processing times at Customs may also be affected. Guarantees on priority mail may not be honored, and signature on delivery may be suspended or adapted to protect customers and workers.
Flights in and out of several countries have been restricted or canceled, resulting in economy mail or all mail services being suspended. Many Post Offices are refusing mail to destinations where they can't deliver, and mail already in the system is held at international mail hubs until services resume.
If you need an item within a specific timeframe, before you place your order, we suggest that you check the situation with your local postal service and the postal service in the country where the seller is based. You can also contact the seller directly by going to the product page and clicking on 'Contact Seller'. Consider purchasing from a seller in your country to avoid international delays.
Additional information about COVID-19 and shipping for sellers.