The JSON order API helps you produce and ship all your awesome products more easily! API provides JSON formatted data for all your orders. Accessing the API requires you to use an API key, which is available from your store settings, under the API tab:
Once you have your key you can authenticate with the order API in one of two ways.
You can append your username and api_key to the URL as parameters. For a quick test, you can paste the following URL into your browser. Of course, you’ll have to replace the username and api_key with your own:
Alternatively, you can add an Authorization header to your request, with a format of
Authorization: ApiKey <username>:<api_key>
Authorization: ApiKey
The API is curlable, so you can do the following:
curl -i -G -H “Authorization: ApiKey
youruser:123456bcfafb2deb7506b89eb3b9b715b09905c8″ -d
“format=json” you are using Windows PowerShell, you might need to use "curl.exe" instead. If you do not have curl.exe installed, try the following command:
(curl -H @{"Authorization"="ApiKey youruser:123456bcfafb2deb7506b89eb3b9b715b09905c8"}
-ContentType "application/json" -Uri
-UseBasicParsing).Content -
The default number of orders fetched is 20.
You can change this by sending the query parameter "limit."
The maximum limit is 50. In the response, the API will give you the URI for the next page of orders, in the "meta" object:
"meta": {
"limit": 50,
"next": "/api/v1/order/?limit=50&offset=50",
"offset": 0,
"previous": null,
"total_count": 82
You can use an offset parameter for the pagination feature.
e.g. &limit=50&offset=0 (page 1), &limit=50&offset=50 (page 2) etc.
In order to protect our API from crawlers, we are limiting 150 requests per hour for each user.
You can also apply a filter to get shipped or unshipped orders:
curl -i -G -H “Authorization: ApiKey
youruser:123456bcfafb2deb7506b89eb3b9b715b09905c8″ -d
“format=json” -d “shipped=false”