Each seller on Tindie is responsible for order fulfillment. Tindie does not keep inventory or monitor the shipping status of any product listed. We appreciate your patience with shipping issues. We understand that it can be very frustrating waiting on your order.
If you have not received your order
If it was confirmed as shipped, contact the seller to see if they have any information about the package's status. Often a package may be held up in customs, or there may be an issue with the shipping company's transit times. Depending on your location, orders may take a few days to a few weeks to reach you. The seller can open a dispute with the shipping company, authorize a refund, ship a new product, or a combination of these options.
If your order is not shipped within 14 days, Tindie will automatically cancel and refund your payment.
If you received a damaged product
- Contact the seller to let them know that there was damage within transit. A description of the damage or photos is useful. The seller can open a dispute with the shipping company, authorize a refund, ship a new product, or a combination of these options.
- If the product was damaged because of poor packaging, please let us know so we can help the seller correct this issue on future orders.
Here are some related links that might interest you
- How do I contact a seller?
- Who keeps inventory and ships my product?
- Please get in touch with Tindie Support at hello@tindie.com if you don't hear back from the seller within 2 days.